Student Development

Tips for Mentee

  • Your mentor is always willing to share and help, so do not worry about bothering him/her.


  • Keep your eyes on your email-box and College Facebook page to get updated news from the programme


  • Contact your mentor in an appropriate time (i.e. 09:00 – 22:00). You may use social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp to keep in touch with your mentor.


  • Try your best to attend the gatherings that organized by your mentor, be punctual, keep your promise and don’t be incommunicado.


  •  Be polite and friendly


  • Show your thankfulness to mentor by sending he/she small gift, thank-you card etc.


  • Email your mentor immediately once you have received his/her information.


  • Share your expectation to the programme with your mentor.


  • No need to be too prim when staying with your mentor, you can get along with your mentor just like friend.


  • Find out the common topics and interests with your mentor


  • You can be the teacher of your mentor too.  Try to teach your mentor about how to use social media platform such as Facebook, snapchat etc.


  • Attend the reunion activity with your mentor’s past mentees


  • Exchange views on different issues based on respect and trust.


  • Do not stereotype your mentor based on his/her background or occupation.


  • Share your worries and upsets with your mentor and ask for his/her advises.


  • During the programme, students should follow the regulations, policies and guidelines issued by the University, including the University Regulations 1 and policy against sexual harassment.