Prospective Students

Scholarship and Subsidies

To cultivate a new generation of Chung Chi-ers with the attributes of “Excellence in Academics and Sports, Cultivation of Virtue and Talents, and Enhancement of Spirituality”, in addition to the efforts made by the students themselves and the guidance from teachers, sufficient resources from the College also plays an important role. Benefiting from its strong alumni network, and the generous donations from the community, Chung Chi College is able to offer a wide range of scholarships to students who have demonstrated excellence in their fields. These scholarships support students to pursue their aspirations in the rapidly changing world.



Admission Scholarships 

On top of the amount awarded by CUHK, outstanding students would receive scholarships, subsidies on participating in co-curricular activities and guaranteed hostel places from Chung Chi College. Recipients of matriculation scholarships will be entitled to renewal of their awards up to and including their graduation year if they maintain the required academic performance.




Young Leaders Award 

A new flagship “Young Leaders Award” is launched in 2023/24 to develop all-round leaders. Awarded freshmen will receive scholarships, internship experiences, job shadowing of corporate senior management, and fire side chat with a C-suite leader.




Scholarships Overview

With generous donations of eminent members of the community and alumni, the College has established various scholarships and educational endowments to support students’ whole person education. Each Year, over 500 scholarships and awards are granted to Chung Chi students who demonstrated outstanding achievements in different areas including academic, sports, creative pursuits, extra-curricular activities, community and College services. To support students in their life experience enrichment and potential exploration, a series of non-academic related awards and subsidies are established.


Scholarships and awards are divided in 6 categories; they are Admission Scholarships, Academic Awards, College Head’s List, Scholarships and Awards for Well-rounded Education, Scholarships for Exchange Programme and Postgraduate Studies, and Designated Awards (By Faculties / Departments). Among them, the largest scholarship offers up to full tuition and over ten thousand Hong Kong dollars.


All applications will be reviewed and selected by the Scholarships, Awards and Financial-aid Committee. Applicants may be invited to interviews. For application procedures, please pay attention to the announcement from the Dean of Students’ Office.



No. of Awards 2023/24

Maximum Amount Per Award

Admission Scholarships


Full Tuition + HK$60,000 + HK$40,000 subsidy for extra-curricular activities + Guaranteed Hostel Place

Academic Awards


Full Tuition + Guaranteed Hostel Place

Scholarships for Exchange Programme and Postgraduate Studies



Scholarships and Awards for Well-Rounded Education*



College Honor Roll and Designated Awards




*Categories include: Sports, Creativity, Social Services, Student Services, Balanced Education and Liberal Studies



Bursaries and Loans

A series of bursaries have been established to support financially needy students. Financial-aid subsidizing fees such as tuition, hostel, exchange programmes, and College summer programmes are provided. The College also offers interest-free loans, for example, student travel loan and emergency loan. Such bursaries and loans enable CC-ers in need to enjoy College life with less concerns and financial burden.


Bursaries and loans provided by the College are briefly listed below. For details, please contact CC Dean of Students’ Office.


1. Bursaries

A series of bursaries of HK $5,000 to $20,000 have been established to aid financially needy students. The bursaries are granted to local students with satisfactory academic records and financial needs.


2. Hostel Bursaries

A series of Hostel Bursaries of HK$3,000 each have been established to aid financially needy students to subsidize their expenses related to living in student hostels. The bursaries are granted to students with satisfactory academic records and financial needs.


3. Student Loan

An amount of Fund is allocated by the College to provide students with interest-free loans of up to HK$20,000 in accordance with need.


4. Undergraduate Travel Grant

The undergraduate travel grant is open in second term of each academic year. It provides financial assistance for Chung Chi students joining overseas programmes which are organized by the College.


5. Graduate Travel Loan

In order to assist graduating students who have been awarded scholarships, fellowships, and/or teaching assistantships but are financially hindered from going abroad to benefit from these grants, the College has established a travel loan fund through which students may obtain loans not exceeding HK$5,000 to cover part of their expenses.


6. Class of 1972 Fiftieth Graduation Anniversary Emergency Fund

To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of graduation, a group of Chung Chi 1972 Alumni has donated an endowment of HK$493,804 to the College. Starting from 2014/2015, the interest generated together with the principle are used to set up a need based emergency fund for the purpose of providing immediate relief to students in tiding over special and emergent financial hardship.


7. Undergraduate Travel Loan

Students who are going to attend international conference, seminars or other activities aboard organized by university, college or recognized organizations during summer or term time can apply for interest-free travel loan. The maximum loan amount is HK$20,000. Applications are accepted in around March and November every year.