蘇新敏校友(2008/政治與行政學) 與 Nguyen Nu Quynh Trang(全球傳播/二年級)及 郁文靜(計算機科學與工程/二年級)
This is our first dinner gathering at a French cuisine restaurant...
劉家業校友(2004/地理與資源管理學)與 賴俊朗(地理與資源管理學/四年級)
鄭邦建校友 (1979/社會學) 與 蔡桂俊 (電子工程學/四年級)
We have not seen each other since the chicken bowl activity at the CC canteen...
鍾文偉校友(2009/Physical Education & Sports Science)與 許榮權(文化研究/四年級)
This is our third gathering, I felt happy and satisfied during the dinner...
陳潔嫻校友(2003/工商管理)與 唐映忠(新聞與傳播學/五年級)
I shared my current situation and confusion of finding job and for the future career development...
廖健華校友(2004/經濟學)與 程思佳(金融科技學/四年級)
Recently, I had the delightful opportunity to go with my mentee to the "Noir&Blanc" photography exhibition at M+...
任展揚校友(2003/政治與行政學)與 林琬茹(地球與環境科學/二年級)
This was the first time we met, a dinner (hotpot) was arranged and we had a chat during the dinner...
黃劍文校友(1983/會計)與 何穎(專業會計學/二年級)
We did a wonderful meeting. We exchange our experience and thought together...
鄭詩朗校友(2008/工商管理)與 周婉莉(工商管理/二年級)
We had a delightful dinner at Cheesecake Factory to share about our aspirations and my work experience in Hong Kong Government...
盧碧瑜博士(1991/音樂)與 王若璇(哲學/一年級)
魏敬國校友(2004/計量財務) 與 甘朗然(社區健康/一年級)
The sake tasting evening event organized by the CCCAA...
蘇淑貞校友(1980/社會工作) 與 黃靜彤(心理學/四年級)
Tonia has been an incredibly supportive and friendly mentor...
盧碧瑜博士(1991/音樂) 與 顏凱晴(音樂/三年級)
蘇新敏校友(2008/政治與行政) 與 Tran Quynh Trang Victoria (工商管理/一年級)
This is our first meet-up...
任展揚校友(2003/政治與行政) 與 陳思頴(分子生物技術學/三年級)
We went to Nanhai no.1 in Tsim Sha Tsui for our lunch gathering...
盧碧瑜博士(1991/音樂) 與 林雅柔(公共衞生/一年級)
曾錦棠校友(1979/社會學) 與 楊樂軒(工商管理/一年級)
My mentor and I had a wonderful moment on 23rd July...
魏敬國校友(2004/計量財務) 與 鄭沅儀(工商管理/四年級)
蘇淑貞校友(1980/社會工作) 與 曾韻璇(日本研究/三年級)
We went listening to the music concert of choir...
蘇雄校友(1979/社會學) 與 曾怡禎(工商管理/三年級)
This was our first face to face meeting...
黎明暉校友(2004/地理與資源管理) 與 梁佩兒(全球研究/四年級)
We met for the first time in a western restaurant, and my mentor came in a hurry after getting off work...
郭碧蓮博士(1975/經濟) 與 李映彤(專業會計學/二年級)
It was a memorable experience that it was the first time to meet Dr. Kwok and her other CC mentees...
杜溢康校友(2005/工商管理) 與 林俊文(金融科技學/二年級)
In this activity, we can first interact with each other...
蘇淑貞校友(1980/社會工作) 與 李子珊(食品及營養科學/三年級)
First, we had lunch together in a Japanese restaurant in Sheung Wan...
鍾啟然校友(2000/翻譯) 與 施慕澄(Moldir Shyngys)(生物醫學工程/四年級)
Hi! My name is Moldir, I am a final-year undergraduate student coming from Kazakhstan...
劉淑嫻校友(1995/哲學) 與 許盈智(醫學/三年級)
As the summer break was almost over, my mentor Betty and I decided to go for another lunch gathering...
潘宏烽校友 (2006/風險管理科學) 與 周嘉琪 (計算機科學/四年級)
陳瑜博士(1991/社會工作) 與 蕭諾希(心理學/三年級)
As my mentor Dr. Chan and I have both finished our semesters, we decided to have a celebration...
任展揚校友(2003/政治與行政) 與 蘇煦盈 (環境科學/三年級)
This was the first time I met my mentor, but I had a great time with him...