
陳潔嫻校友(2003/工商管理)與 唐映忠(新聞與傳播學/五年級)




陳潔嫻校友(2003/工商管理)與 唐映忠(新聞與傳播學/五年級)




I shared my current situation and confusion of finding job and for the future career development, namely whether to begin as a journalist or a PR. Daphne shared her experiences and observations over her working years about the differences and the similarities of reporter and PR. While bothindustry needs to build connections, PR need to be totally responsible for the client, and reporter only needs to be responsible for the story. So for PR, itdepends on what client the agency has, and how your manager handles with the clients. And also, I have a bigger passion for journalism. However, thereis a chance my current internship company ( a PR company) may give me a return offer. The company is more international and finance focused, which Idid not know much before and believe I could learn a lot from it as a entry level job. After the chat, I understand more about the industry outlook, andhave a clearer expectation for my job hunting.