Found Space

Lin Dao Yang and the Relocation of Ma Liu Shui Village


Campus Newsletter / Found Space


In the past, Ma Liu Shui Village and farmland were originally located at the sites of Elisabeth Luce Moore Library, Lake Ad Excellentiam, and Lingnan Stadium. Although Chung Chi was granted ten acres of Ma Liu Shui as the College’s permanent site by the government in 1953, it was still not enough for the College’s future development. Therefore, Chung Chi aspired to buy the land of the entire site of Ma Liu Shui Village. When Dr. Lin Dao Yang became the President, he actively touched base with the Wan Clan, who were the indigenous inhabitants. He knew that the low-lying fields there were easily flooded by seawater, resulting in a very low yield. Moreover, the villagers thought the railway had destroyed the feng shui of the village, and the black smoke emitted by trains polluted the crops nearby. Therefore, it was not an ideal living place. He then wrote a letter on their behalf to the Colonial Secretary asking for the relocation of the village in 1957. Dr. Lin and the villagers went to Fanling together to find a suitable site. The College later bought the fields at Kwan Tei for their settlement. With the efforts of Dr. Lin, the Wan Clan gradually moved to Fanling and their ancestor graves were also relocated there. New Ma Liu Shui Village was then established. There is a road in the Village named after Dao Yang for commemorating him. Hence, Chung Chi could expand its campus facilities at the original site, and more students could study at the College.


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