Found Space

Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College


Campus Newsletter / Found Space

In the mid-1950s, President Lin Dao Yang (3rd left) and members of the Board of Governors discussed the architectural plans for the new Campus at Ma Liu Shui at the Bishop’s House.


The history of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College can be traced back to its initial stage of establishment in 1951. A provisional Board of Directors composed of a group of forefathers discussed the founding of the College at the Bishop’s House. The Board approved the resolution of naming the College as “Chung Chi”, and started the first semester in the fall of the same year. The College’s Board of Governors was officially established in 1952, and Mr. Au Wai Kwok David (1898-1959) was elected as the first Chair. According to the original Chung Chi College Constitution, the mission of the Board is “to provide education with the Christian spirit as the fundamental, and maintain the highest education effectiveness and good moral character for the College.”


In 1976, The Chinese University of Hong Kong reformed and the Board of Governors was to be restructured as the “Board of Trustees”. Its first meeting was held in the City Hall on 11 February 1977, and the 100th meeting on 16 May this year. The Board is always committed to the strategic development of Chung Chi. First, it promoted the “Little Tao Fong Shan Project” in the 1980s, bringing abundant resources to the College. In the 1990s, the “Pommerenke Trust Fund” was established to offer various scholarships and exchange programmes, which support students’ arts and sports initiatives and enrich their learning experience. In recent years, the College has financed the construction of the Chung Chi Student Development Complex to provide students with a more comprehensive learning environment and facilities. Dedicated to cultivating a new generation of Chung Chi-ers, the Board has also established the College educational ethos, “Excellence in Academics and Sports, Cultivation of Virtue and Talents, and Enhancement of Spirituality”.

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