Found Space

Broaden Global Horizon at Chung Chi


Campus Newsletter / Found Space

American and Japanese students were performing with Chung Chi students in a faculty evening gala.


Chung Chi always attaches great importance to whole-person education and strives to broaden students’ global exposure. As early as 1960, the College collaborated with the University of Redlands in the United States to launch the first student exchange programme whereby a student from each partner institution would study in another one for a year. In 1969, Chung Chi entered into a student exchange programme agreement with Keio University in Japan (Keio). Under this agreement, four students were selected for a two-month exchange at Keio during the summer holidays. In the 1970s, the College continued to foster overseas academic exchange by signing student exchange agreements with two institutions in the United States, namely Elmira College and Washington and Lee University, as well as the International Christian University in Japan.


In the 1990s, Chung Chi offered a rich array of overseas learning opportunities to students, such as the visiting student programme, in which the College joined hands with some prestigious universities in the Mainland and Taiwan to arrange for students to visit partner institutions annually. Launched in 1999, the first summer study abroad programme enabled eligible students to take five to nine-week short-term courses at the University of Washington, and the University of California at Berkeley, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Since 2000, the College has been curating study trips to France and Germany and sponsoring students to explore foreign cultures and communities. Through such programmes, more and more Chung Chi students can gain exposure to exotic flavours of overseas countries, broaden their horizons, and enrich their knowledge; they can also make friends with other young people in Hong Kong and abroad, embodying the Chung Chi spirit, “Fostering academic exchange through connecting East and West”, as highlighted in the College Couplet.

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