Found Space

Chung Chi College Clinic and Infirmary


Campus Newsletter / Found Space


Nowadays, University students can consult a doctor at the University Health Centre when they get sick. In the past, Chung Chi College also had its clinic. After the College had been relocated to Ma Liu Shui, the new campus was far from downtown and there were no healthcare facilities nearby. Therefore, the College decided to build a clinic for staff and students. In 1957, Chung Chi set up the Clinic Fund Campaign Committee. The College staff, students, and alumni joined hands to raise funds. In 1960, Chung Chi received a donation of $50,000 from the Hong Kong branch of the World University Service, together with the funds collected previously, the College later commenced construction of the Clinic. After years of hard work, the Clinic and Infirmary was inaugurated in October 1962, when Chung Chi celebrated its 11th anniversary.


As the College places great emphasis on staff and students’ wellness, medical equipment was mostly purchased from abroad, medicines were well-stocked, and a new six-bed ward was set up for isolating and observing patients in the Clinic. The consultation was free of charge, and dental services had even been offered since 1967. Freshmen were required to undergo a physical checkup at the Clinic. Students in residence had two physical examinations annually. As tuberculosis was rampant in Hong Kong during the 1960s, the Clinic arranged students to undergo annual chest X-ray examinations and tuberculosis testing. In order to prevent diseases, students were arranged to take various vaccinations. There was a doctor or a nurse on duty for addressing emergencies on the campus. If students or staff had other physical or mental health issues, the Clinic would refer them to hospitals or specialists to receive comprehensive treatment so that their overall wellness was fully catered for in the College.


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