Pastoral Care

Sunday Service 2023







2023-12-31 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter The Extraordinary in the Ordinary
2023-12-24 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo Promise and Expectation
2023-12-24 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele For Nothing will be Impossible with God!
2023-12-17 Rev. YIU Chi Ho Guess Who Am I?
2023-12-10 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo Coming…That Means You're Not There?
2023-12-03 Dr. TANG Sui Keung Answer or Answer not a Fool According to His Folly?
2023-11-26 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele Lord, When was It that We Saw You?
2023-11-19 Dr. TANG Sui Keung Oh, How Busy God is!
2023-11-12 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo Serving God? You Better Think Twice!
2023-11-05 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter The Apostate(s)?
2023-10-29 Rev. Dr. SO Shing Yit Eric To be A Witness for the Gospel of Jesus
2023-10-22 Prof. NG Tze Ming Peter Liberal Arts Education and the Story of China’s Christian Universities
2023-10-15 Dr. TANG Sui Keung Who will Win?
2023-10-08 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo 10 Commandments in Dialogue
2023-10-01 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter The Powerful Moses and the Powerless Christ
2023-09-24 Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis How Can It Be?
2023-09-17 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele Lord, If My Brother Sins Against Me……
2023-09-10 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo Passover or Protect?
2023-09-03 The Rev. Dr. NG Wai Man Andrew The Burning Bush
2023-08-27 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo Shiphrah and Puah
2023-08-20 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele Woman, Great is Your Faith!
2023-08-13 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter In Bad Times
2023-08-06 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele You Give Them Supper
2023-07-30 Prof. LEUNG Yuen Sang Arriving at Mount Nebo
2023-07-23 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter On the Journey towards a Dream
2023-07-16 Dr. TANG Sui Keung Absurd yet Humorous
2023-07-09 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo Servants of Discernment · Gentle and Humble
2023-07-02 Rev. PO Kam Cheong Although Life is Bitter and Hard
2023-06-25 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele Really My Best Choice?
2023-06-18 Dr. TANG Sui Keung Plant a Pond of Lotus
2023-06-11 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo “Go for yourself! lekh-lekhah”
2023-06-04 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter Practical Implications Of The Triune God
2023-05-28 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
2023-05-21 Dr. TANG Sui Keung By whose Decree?
2023-05-14 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo Witness to the unknown God
2023-05-07 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
2023-04-30 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter Sheep on Green Pasture and Sheep for Slaughter
2023-04-23 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter If Jesus Appeared, Would You Recognize Him?
2023-04-16 Dr. TANG Sui Keung The End yet the Beginning
2023-04-09 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo Resurrection of the Lord
2023-04-02 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele Hosanna in the Highest
2023-03-26 Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter We and Our Bodies, a New Life Together
2023-03-19 Dr. TANG Sui Keung Genealogies Speak
2023-03-12 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo The Way of No Water
2023-03-05 Rev. Dr. Victor CHAN Altar Builder
2023-02-26 Rev. CHAN Chi Hang Louis The Road Less Traveled
2023-02-19 Dr. TANG Sui Keung Big Shot vs. Small Potatoes
2023-02-12 Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo The Multi-verse of Moses
2023-02-05 Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele How My Righteousness Surpasses that of the Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law?


Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter

A Place in Heaven Reserved for Whom?


Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele 

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”


Dr. TANG Sui Keung 

King Solomon, a Pharaoh?


Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo

Behold! My Servant


Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter

How to Grope Our Way through Obscurities?