Student Development

Yu-Luan Shih & Academic Creativity Awards





  Yu-Luan Shih Award   Academic Creativity Awards
  • To reward students for their creative works. Entries by individual or group should have been published or accepted for publication at the time of submission, preferably on topics related to the literature, art, academic or graduation thesis
  • Category of Entry: Literature, Art or other academic entry
  • To reward students for their creative works. Entries by individual or group should have been published (reports and thesis are also included)

  • Category of Entry: Literature, Art, Education, Business Administration, Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science, Medicine, Engineering, Law

No. of Award

2 (HK$5,000 each with a certificate)


 5 (HK$3,500 each with a certificate)



Eligibility Application

All Chung Chi undergraduate students are welcome to apply.


Submission and Application Deadline

Please click HERE to access the online application and upload your entry, please refer to our promotional email for more details. The application deadline is 19 April 2024, at 3 pm.


Important Information

  1. The Recipients of S.H. Sung Creativity Award will not be considered.
  2. Please attach supporting documents for published entry.
  3. Applicants are required to submit the entry to the University VeriGuide System for checking.



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