Student Development

S.H. Sung Creativity Award (Latest Awardees)

 College Life>Scholarships & Awards>S.H. Sung Creativity Award> Latest Award


3rd Prize | 2022-2023
CHAN Hok Yee | IBBAC | Year 2

Make your Food Choice

Undoubtedly, kitchen waste occupies the most significant percentage of domestic waste. Different stakeholders give various suggestions to solve the waste problem, for example, land reclamation to build another landfill, but the best way is to reduce waste from the source. To raise environmental awareness through education.

Reducing food waste can improve Hong Kong's environmental problem and pay an effort to the global sustainable food chain. The United Nations pointed out that we should reduce food loss significantly by 2030. Hong Kong should also try reducing food waste as a global city. Using a game is the best way to teach citizens how to reduce food waste in daily life. Through this card game, players can learn from situation cards and reflect on reducing food loss by avoiding storing too much food and causing food wastage. I hope that we, as global citizens, can work together to achieve our goal of reducing food waste by the end of the year 2030.


2nd Prize | 2021-2022

SIN Chun Him | ELEGN | Year 3

ChungChiverse - Actual virtuality

The scheme is divided into two terminals and has a three-phase vision.

The first stage (zoom+ version): We try to focus on using the existing classroom resources, in order to enhance the physical control of the absent people, and let the people in the classroom notice the activities of the off-campus user through the equipment in the classroom.

Stage 2 (uni-functional machines acting in reality based on the remote control): At this stage, physical machines can be remotely controlled and used in the entire campus environment. They can take specific actions to match their function, to enhance the social quality of the community.

In the final stage (the robot takes the action according to the remote control): The user on the far end can completely substitute into the robot's body to live in the reality, and the people on the campus can also be more engaging because of the high emulation of the robot. Everyone on the campus can interact with the robots, just like meeting with real people in the reality.