The Chaplain’s Office implants the College’s campus life and culture with Christian spirit rooted as a mission, and promotes a caring campus which is bonded by the love of Christ.
- College Assembly — College Assembly is one of the major events of the Chaplain’s Office. It is held during the 4th and 5th teaching sessions on Fridays during school term. When the assembly begins, the Chaplain leads a ten-minute worship with hymns, Scripture reading and prayer related to the topics of the assembly, and set the tone for the subsequent talk. The worship time provides pastoral care, moral education and spiritual formation for students and staff.
- Spiritual Counselling — The Chaplain is available to meet with students and staff who seek spiritual counselling and on matters related to personal faith.
- Sunday Service — The Chaplain’s Office conducts Sunday Service on Sunday mornings. The worship service provides spiritual nourishment and fellowship time to the community of both campus and the neighborhood. ‒ 120 ‒ The service is conducted in Cantonese, with simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua and English. The University Sermon provides a forum for dialogue of faith and culture, and deepens the congregation’s understanding of Christian faith.
- Student Fellowships — The Chaplain’s Office maintains constant contacts, liaises and supports various student fellowships and cell groups on campus. Student groups may operate according to their own distinctiveness and to accomplish their own goals. Currently, Chung Chi Student Fellowship, Fellowship of Evangelical Students, CUHK, CU Campus Crusade for Christ, CUHK Christian Band, CUHK Christian Choir, and other cell groups are having their regular meetings at Chung Chi Chapel.
- Staff Ministry — During term time, the Chaplain’s Office presents monthly luncheon talk planned by the Pastoral and Spiritual Care Committee; besides, the Chaplain’s Office provides support to colleagues who may have the need of pastoral care.
- Music Ministry — The Chaplain’s Office maintains an active music program. Every Monday at 1:30 pm during the school term, “Midday Oasis” provides 25-minute breathing space for students, teachers and staff to refresh and refuel themselves with beautiful vocal and instrumental music. In addition, the Chaplain’s Office runs Chung Chi Chapel Choir and Seeds Children Choir for congregation members. The choirs not only lead and enliven the congregation’s songs, but also keeping up the sung portions of liturgies. The Office also organizes concerts with distinct themes and highest level of artistic excellence, and various sacred music events on a regular basis for staff, students, and the general public throughout the liturgical year. Home to a two-manual mechanical pipe organ built by Detlef Kleuker from Bielefeld, Germany, the organ at Chung Chi Chapel is essential for training of student organists in performance and liturgical function.
- Annual Celebrations — The Chaplain’s Office is participating in organizing the annual Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service on the Last Friday of October and the Graduation Ceremony in November. The Chaplain’s Office also organizes campus caroling, church festive events and chapel anniversary activities.
- Student Visitor/ Exchange Programmes — As a member of the Federation of Chinese University and College Chaplaincies, a biennial summer exchange camp is organized for students of local and Taiwan ‒ 121 ‒ Christian Universities. Students from thirteen member institutions come together to learn, to share, to serve and to celebrate. The Chaplain’s Office also encourages students to participate in local joint school Christian activities, such as the Hong Kong College and University Joint School Prayer Meeting.
- College History Exploration and Renowned Christian Universities Visiting Programme — To understand the history of Christian higher education, the programme visits former Christian University campuses in Mainland China, including Fukien Christian University, Hwa Nan Women’s College; West China Union University, Cheerloo University, Yenching University, University of Shanghai, St. John University, Hangchow University, Private University of Nanking, Ginling College, Soochow University, Huachung University and Lingnan University, and Yenching University. Moreover, the programme also covers existing Christian universities in Taiwan and Hong Kong to explore the heritage and the recent development.
- Wedding Ceremonies — Since 2002, the Chung Chi College Chapel has been authorized to administrate the ceremony of holy matrimony.
- The Meditation Chapel — The Meditation Chapel located on the first floor of the College Chapel, opens to university students and staff, every Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm (except public holidays) for meditation and prayer in silence.
The College respects the personal faith of students and staff but expects their reciprocal deference for the College Christian heritage. We consider our Christian tradition an added value to our education.
Enquiries: 3943 6982