Prospective Students

General Education

First Year Induction  

We understand that freshmen might encounter different obstacles when trying to get accustomed to university life. We offer various programmes to help CC-ers settle into university life. 


Freshmen could have a brief idea of their College life afterwards from senior students’ sharing at the College Orientation Camp.


Besides, the College has designed an introductory course for local and non-local freshmen to develop an understanding and appreciation of university education, the origins, traditions and objectives of universities, and their relationships with the contemporary society.


The student-oriented tutorials provide students with opportunities to better understand themselves and cultivate their empathy towards others. Meanwhile, the course aims to assist CC-ers to adapt to the new campus life and active learning by participating in service-learning activities. Experiences and reflection attributed to service-learning can also initiate them to examine their role of a university student and the responsibility as a global citizen.



Upper-year Electives


  • Exploration and Discovery

The course “Exploration and Discovery” features the synergy of supervised project and designated College learning programme, for instance, social-cultural exploration trip, thematic study trip, leadership programme or other prescribed set of learning offerings. CC-ers will learn through first-hand experiences as well as the various learning activities from the learning programme. Under the scope of the learning programme, CC-ers will conduct a project in an interdisciplinary team with a similar research interest.



  • Service-Learning Programme

This experiential-learning programme aims to encourage CC-ers of different disciplines to serve in the community and learn through the experience. Students are encouraged to identify community needs and to implement service addressing the needs of the service targets. Integration of cross-disciplinary knowledge and personal skills are highly recommended. Reflection is the key element throughout the course. CC-ers are also encouraged to cultivate their abilities for critical thinking and value judgment, and to gain valuable experience in building good partnership with team members through cooperation.



  • Servant Leadership

In this course, CC-ers will explore different approaches to servant leadership, with a particular focus on the college context. Through a combination of literature review, case studies, forum discussions, experiential sharing, and guided reflective learning activities, CC-ers can apply the servant leadership principles and strategies to develop servant leaders and address leadership issues in campus service. This will help them embark on their personal and professional growth leadership journeys.


  • Senior Seminar

CC-ers taking the Senior Seminar will form an interdisciplinary team to study a topic of their own interest. Great freedom is ensured in self-directing their study area, where teachers take the advisor role. Students will have the opportunities to integrate their academic skills and knowledge and gain valuable experience in building a good partnership with members through cooperation.


CC-ers can explore beyond the boundaries of their major and minor subjects, studying topics of their own interest that engage with real-life issues relevant to society. Topics studied by CC-ers include


  • A Feasibility Study on the Implementation of Gender-friendly Hostel
  • KOL的湧現會否過度影響受眾對未經證實資訊的基本判斷力
  • Dem Beat in CUHK – The Effect of Dem Beat on Students’ Sense of Belonging
  • 環保也能弄假成真?探討港人的環保意識與相應的生活態度
  • Utilization of public space in MTR station to establish connection in nearby communities


Click HERE to learn more about Chung Chi General Education programmes.



College Assembly 

Chung Chi Friday Assembly will be conducted in various formats such as sharing forum, talk, performance, etc. The programme aims to broaden the horizon of CC-ers concerning social, ethical, intellectual, cultural, educational, religious, artistic and aesthetic aspects of life, thus exploring different possibilities of the self and developing an affirmative attitude towards life.


CC-ers are required to attend at least four assembly meetings each term in order to get a “satisfactory” grade for the course. The College accepts the completion of at most one recognized “Alternative Activities to Assembly” (AAA) each term as equivalent to an attendance record of College Assemblies.


Previous guest speakers:


Ms. KONG Man Wai Vivian

 Mr. TSANG Chun Wah John

Dr. Leung Ka Yan (Serrini)

Mr. KO Kong Ling and Mr. CHING Yan Fu

Ms. Alison CHANG

Mr. LAM Chiu Ying



  • Ms. KONG Man Wai Vivian [HK Female Épée Fencer; Awardee of Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2021; Awardee of Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards]
  • Mr. TSANG Chun Wah John, GBM, JP [Founder of Esperanza]
  • Dr. LEUNG Ka Yan (Serrini) [HK Singer-songwriter, Chung Chi Alumna (2013/English)]
  • Mr. KO Kong Ling and Mr. CHING Yan Fu [Mr. KO Kong Ling: Co-Founder, Director and Artist of Pomato Studio Limited & Mr. CHING Yan Fu: Artist of Pomato Studio Limited]
  • Ms. Alison CHANG [Founder of Headhunting Company; Career Coach and Business Consultant]
  • Mr. LAM Chiu Ying [Former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory; Honorary President, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society; Chairman, Hong Kong Countryside Foundation]