Prospective Students

Go Global

Apart from participating in activities on campus, we highly encourage and support CC-ers to participate actively in overseas exchange and visiting programmes, enriching their international outlook, enhancing their world knowledge, exploring global challenges and opportunities. The College offers a wide array of long-term exchange programmes and short-term non-local trips covering different parts of world.


Besides, we established the EYE (Excel Yourself through Exploration) Award and FLY (Find a Learning opportunity Yourself) Award to support CC-ers exploring the world. For students who are language enthusiasts, they can apply for the subsidy scheme for language study aboard.



Student Exchange Programme

The College has established term time exchange programmes (for one year or one term) with a number of universities in U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, France, Singapore, Korea, Japan, mainland China and etc. The programmes provide CC-ers with opportunities to study abroad during the term time, in which they can exchange academic ideas with students of different cultures, and also can better understand the social, cultural and even political and economic dimensions of other countries during their extended stay at the receiving university.


Click HERE to learn more about the partner universities of the Exchange Programme.




Diverse Non-local Learning Opportunities 

Our short-term non-local activities consist of various learning elements, including cultural exploration, social service, workplace experience, leadership training. These activities offer CC-ers a multifaceted understanding of the global landscape.


  • Social-cultural Exploration

During a week of immersive thematic discovery, CC-ers engage with local communities, visit landmarks and historical sites, and delve into institutional learning to experience cultural exchange firsthand. In past programs, explorations have taken students to Vienna and Berlin, where they delved into the cities’ rich musical heritage and distinct histories. The pursuit of happiness was embraced in Denmark’s “Hygge” journey, exposing students to diverse lifestyles and life philosophies. The exploration continued in Singapore, the “Garden City”, where students investigated its commitment to sustainability and cultural plurality. The journey also went to mainland China's Wuhan and Yichang. The visit to one of the world’s biggest piano factories as well as the largest hydroelectric project offered CC-ers a chance to appreciate the intricate tapestry of cultural fusion and deepened their historical insights into these cities.



  • Student Visitor Programme and in Greater Bay Area Study Tour

Participants are provided with the opportunity to live and study with students from various universities. This initiative not only deepens their understanding of the locales they visit but also fosters connections among students from diverse backgrounds, paving the way for lasting friendships. In the Lo Foo Cheung Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Study Tour, students from Chung Chi College, Muse College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), and Choi Kai Yau College of the University of Macau participated in thematic lectures and field trips, enhancing their knowledge of the economic and social development of the Greater Bay Area. While in A Tale of Two Cities: Talent Plus between Shanghai & Hong Kong, CC-ers explored the opportunities and challenges in the social and cultural development of Shanghai and Hong Kong with the students from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.



  • Workplace Experience

Shum Kai Wah Mainland Exchange Programme: Cultural Exploration and Workplace Experience in Shanghai features a series of visits to various business corporations in Shanghai, alumni talks, as well as ideas exchange with local university undergraduates to learn about the latest development of Shanghai. Participants are also attached to different companies of various industries for gaining a better understanding of the business practice and culture of the mainland.



  • Cultural Exploration and Community Service

The Cultural Exploration and Service Trips visited various countries, including Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and India. Students were exposed to the culture and lifestyle of each country by visiting historical and cultural spots and exchanging ideas with local university students. They provided services in local churches, villages, orphanages, and city slums.


The College also offered non-local service-learning programmes. Through these services, CC-ers were connected with socially underprivileged groups, enhancing their social consciousness, fostering critical thinking and ethical discernment, as well as the ability to develop strong collaborative relationships. In the past, CC-ers have served in the villages of mainland China, Taitung, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, India, and Cambodia, spreading love and care worldwide while enhancing their understanding of the local cultures and societies.  


In addition, CC-ers joined the social service activities and trips organized by the University YMCA (CCC CUHK) to broaden their global perspectives. They engaged with diverse populations in countries like Brazil, Germany, Fiji, and Romania.




FLY Award & EYE Award Subsidies

Apart from providing various non-local exchange and visiting programmes, we encourage CC-ers to search for an overseas learning opportunity on their own to discover and develop their talents with an international perspective. Each CC-er can receive 2 FLY Awards or 2 EYE Awards at most. Make use of the awards and subsidies to expand your horizons every year!


  • FLY (Find a Learning opportunity Yourself) Award

The Award provides subsidy for participation in overseas activities not organized by the College, encouraging CC-ers to discover and develop their talents with an international perspective. The learning opportunities can be professional training or interest classes, volunteer services, international competitions or performances, overseas conferences, internship programmes, and short-term academic programmes. Each awardee can receive up to HK$10,000 each time.


Click HERE to learn more about FLY Award. 


  • EYE (Excel Yourself through Exploration) Award

The Award encourages students to explore the world during their studies by subsidizing them to participating in exchange and the College’s non-local programmes. The subsidy amount ranges from HK$2,000 to HK$15,000.