Student Development

South America Tour: Exploring Food Crisis and Poverty Issues in Brazil


Tentative Schedule: From July 7th to July 21st (15 days) (TBC)


Programme Highlights:

Ø To discover local Food Crisis and Poverty issues with accompany of local YMCA staff/volunteer;

Ø To have cultural activities with local people;

Ø To provide Love and Care to the needy through voluntary activities;

Ø To discover Brazil's historical heritage and architecture;

Ø Eligible CC students can enroll to the College upper-year General Education course GECC3130 “Exploration and Discovery” (E&D, 3 credits).



Fee: HKD$16,000 ; Deposit: HKD$1,500

*Fee includes airfare, accommodation, transportation, selected meals and activities, insurance, subsidies from Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong & Chung Chi College.

**The fee has been deducted with the subsidy of Chung Chi College EYE AWARD. For more details, please refer to the online application form.

***Participants who have completed the ‘Be a Global Citizen Campaign’ and performed well are eligible for a refund of the activity deposit. 


Quota: 16


Enquiries: Student Development Office - Mr. Eason Cheung (3943-9236 /