Student Development Office

Done with the public exams, admitted to university. What’s next? Where to go? What to do?


Drilling in academics? Networking? Learning new things? Exploringhobbies? Broadening the horizon? Embracing differences? Five must do tasks in university? Playing hard…


There is a saying that there will be 3000 types of campus life for 3000 students. What do you think yours will be when you look back after a few years?


The Student Development Office aims to enhance students’ personal growth and development besides academic training with the theme “Be Happy, Be Bright, Be You”, so as to provide an all-round education for our students.


Let’s explore a dynamic and unique university life here with the resources and services provided by the Student Development Office. The main services of the Office include:


1. To promote student wellness. The Office creates a student-oriented support network and offers personal guidance in areas of finance, academic studies, interpersonal relationships, emotional disturbances, etc. In cases of special needs, a referral may be made either on or off campus. The Office also fosters an inclusive and respectful culture in the College by organizing and assisting students to organize or participate in different extra-curricular activities.


2. To provide student development activities. The Office provides a vast variety of extra-curricular activities to cultivate talents of students and broaden their horizons, including workshops on various themes and cultural exposure activities.


3. To develop student leadership. The Office provides leadership training, offers guidance in organizing extra-curricular activities, and provides assistance to student organizations of the College. To encourage impactful new ideas, the Office supports selected student-initiated projects in terms of resources and practical assistance.


4. To offer services related to the general welfare of the students such as student hostels, scholarships, interest-free emergency loans and bursaries, etc. The Office also provides information on financial assistance from the Government and the University.


5. To manage various student amenities and facilities of the College to support student activities.


6. To liaise between the students and the College.


The Student Development Office is located on the 4th floor of Pommerenke Student Centre where the Dean of Students and his colleagues work. Students are welcome to make appointments with them, or come to the office for various student services.

Personal Growth

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