Student Development

Religious Exploration and Service Trip to Cambodia


Religious Exploration and Service Trip to Cambodia will be held from June 18 to 24, 2024. Participants will provide services to the orphans, HIV-infected children, children with special needs and people in the city slum in Phnom Penh. Participants also have the chances to learn a little bit contemporary history of Cambodia by visiting the Crime Museum and Killing Field. We will join the Sunday Service of a local church to gain firsthand experience of the religious aspiration of the local people.


Fee of the trip after subsidized is HK$2800 for each participant, covering room and board, local transportation, insurance, but excluding flight ticket which can be reimbursed 1/2 of the airfare (maximum HK$ 1700). For enquiries, please contact Mr. Walter Lam (3943 4301 /


Participants can enroll GECC3230 Service-Learning Programme by joining this religious exploration and service trip.