“Dare to Speak, Speak to Achieve!”
Toastmasters Clubs are established all over the world with a mission to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member can develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth. (https://www.toastmasters.org/)
Established in 2001 and officially chartered on March 31, 2002 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chung Chi College Toastmasters Club (CCTM) is one of the college clubs under Toastmasters International and one of the language activities under College Language Enhancement Programme. Our mission is to provide a supportive environment for members to develop public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Our motto is “Dare to Speak, Speak to Achieve!”
Being a member of CCTM, you will immediately enjoy the following benefits as a Toastmasters member:
- Receive official training manuals and newsletters from Toastmasters International
- Gain opportunities to join the Inter-Club Speech Contest with other Toastmasters Clubs in the world and broaden their horizons.
- Receive internationally recognized Toastmasters awards for completing assignments in training manuals.
- Gain access to the new Pathways system, a specialised training system to suit different needs of Toastmasters

Additionally, you will enjoy the following benefits which our club provide:

- A friendly environment to speak, and have fun: Unlike most business clubs, CCTM’s nature as a university club focuses on language development, especially on boosting members’ use of English in daily conversations and in making speeches. We aim to create a friendly environment in which members, be they experienced in public speaking or not, would be encouraged to speak up and make mistakes (one of the most important ways to learn)
- Regular meetings and specialised coaching: Every academic year we would have at least 13 regular meetings (not including extra activities) where members could practice giving impromptu speeches and prepared speeches according to the Pathway manual. These speeches would be evaluated by a fellow, more experienced club member or sometimes an esteemed guest, who points out strengths and offers suggestions for improvement. With the new Pathways system, members could choose to focus on different aspects of public speaking, but most projects covers aspects such as organisation, delivery, language, gestures and persuasion.
- Get to know others: Club members can get to know fellow members both within and outside the club. Following our regular meeting would be a tea session where members can socialise with each other. There are also a lot of events where members could reach out to members of other clubs. If you are wanting to develop extensive networks, CCTM would be an ideal platform.