Student Development

2023-24 Co-wellness Weeks

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In times of midterm season, let’s take 10 seconds to take care of yourself. Recently, have you ever encountered a symptom or a feeling of :


  • Anxiety
  • Worthless
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of motivation
  • Forgetfulness
  • Avoiding others
  • Nervousness


1-3 items: 🚨early warning signals from your body*

4 items or above: 🚨🚨it’s time to take further action! Welcome to talk to us!

0-7 items: all CC-ers are welcome to join the Co-wellness Weeks, let’s de-stress together! 😁


Co-organised with CC Student Development Office, a group of Co-wellness Peers is organising 8-day Co-wellness Weeks, from 18th to 28th March, aims at helping you to unwind your mind and relieve stress; you can also chit-chat with our Peers and make friends in our CC family.


Activity highlights:

MON (18/3):Hug your Furry Buddies: De-stress with Therapy dogs I🐶🐶 14:00-15:00 (15mins per session)

TUE (19/3): Flowers for Thought Shower Workshop🌸︳Experience the Healing Art of Pastel Nagomi 🌾 18:30-20:30

WED (20/3): Hug your Furry Buddies: De-stress with Therapy dogs II🐶🐶 12:30-13:30 (15mins per session)︳Movie Night: Inside Out🎬18:30-20:30

THU (21/3): Tiramisu Making Workshop🍰 15:30-18:30

FRI (22/3):Beginner-friendly Hike: Lau Shui Heung Reservoir 🚶🏻‍🚶🏻14:30-17:30


TUE (26/3):Warm Connection Cheer-up Booth 🍫🍬17:00-18:30

WED (27/3):Dr. Dog Workshop (Co-organised with uBuddies) 15:30-17:15

THU (28/3):Hand Cream Unlock 19:30-21:30


🌟Emotion-reliving Tree Hole

During Co-wellness Weeks, an Emotion-reliving Tree Hole 🕳 will be displayed at the Atrium of LG4, Kunkle Student Centre. You are free to express your emotions by writing them down and throwing them into the Emotion-reliving Tree Hole (be assured that there will be nobody inside😁), and song lyrics keychains (in Cantonese only) that would hopefully encourage you.

📍All wellness activities are free of charge. Walk-ins are also welcome on a first come, first served basis.

📍Language: Cantonese supplemented with English



1. 5/2(Mon)13:00-17:00  Blessing Cascade: An Exchange of Wishes



  • To raise awareness about the significance of peer support and self-care, also encouraging students to understand more about themselves, including setting goals, praise their achievements and efforts in the year. 




2. 18/3(Mon)14:00-15:00 & 20/3(Wed) 12:30-13:30 

Hug your Furry Buddies: 1hour de-stress with Therapy dogs I & II





3. 19/3(Tues) 18:30-20:00  DIY Flowers for Thought Shower Workshop



  • To enhance the awareness of self-care
  • To relieve stress through art and creative activities




4. 19/3(Tues) 18:30-20:30  Experience the Healing Art of Pastel Nagomi



  • Enhance the awareness of self-care through art
  • Self-care was achieved through art as people can relieve stress and identify their feelings through drawing. Changes of feelings were being seen before and after the activity.




5. 20/3(Wed) 18:30-20:30  Movie Night


  • Enhance the awareness of self-care ;
  • Apply the Wellness Toolbox to maintain mental fitness;
  • Enhance the awareness of peer support in mental well-being




6. 21/3(Thurs)15:30-18:30  Tiramisu Making Workshop


  • To learn how to deal with their emotion with the emotional weather concept.
  • To be encouraged to consider appropriate actions and behaviours during amber, red, and black storms.




7. 22/3(Fri)14:30-17:30 Beginner-friendly Hike: Lau Shui Heung Reservoir


  • Hiking's combination of physical activity and exposure to the outdoors triggers the release of endorphins, which naturally elevates mood and promotes calmness.




8. 26/3(Tues)17:00-18:30 Share Your Emotions: Come and take some snacks!




9. 27/3(Wed)15:30-17:15   OSA x Chung Chi College -Dr. Dog Workshop







10. 28/3(Thurs) 19:30-21:30 DIY Hand Cream Unlock




  • Enhance the awareness of self-care. The hand cream acts as a metaphor and a mean for self-care. Skin conditions, analogous to mental wellness, changes over the seasons (similar to that for emotions).


11. 27/3(Wed)16:00-18:00 & 9/4(Tues) 20:00-22:00 It’s time for break! 





12. 18/3-28/3 Emotion-relieving Tree Hole