Chung Chi Video

A Decision that Leads to Journey of Scientific Research


Chung Chi Video

香港中文大學崇基學院Chung Chi College, CUHK03:48


【同學萬花筒 Kaleidoscope of Students】 轉換跑道重新開始,殊不容易,卻能開展人生的其他可能性。三年級的張文軒同學(Peter)曾在另一所大學修讀兩年商科和計算機科學,但發現該學科不太適合自己,於是輾轉來到中大修讀公共衛生課程。三年來的崇基校園生活非常豐富:如在划艇比賽中得過全場總冠軍,其後參加了海外暑期留學計劃,到英國劍橋大學交流。Peter也積極參研究工作,去年更獲得香港青年協會創新科技獎學金,以資助他踏上科學研究之路。此外,他也十分關注精神康,透過崇基圓夢計劃,獲資助設計一個關於「靜觀」的手機應用程式。


Changing to a new path may be tough but it leads to new possibilities in life. Mr. Cheung Man Hin Peter had studied business and computer science at another university. Finding that the majors did not suit him, he then turned to study Public Health at CUHK. The years in Chung Chi have been fruitful. Winning the championship in the rowing race and studying at the University of Cambridge through the College Summer Study Abroad Programme have given him precious experiences. Besides studying, Peter actively participates in medical research, for which his enthusiasm and hard work earned him the Innovation and Technology Scholarship of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups last year. Peter also has a great concern for mental health. He is currently developing a mobile app related to mindfulness with the sponsorship of the Dreaming through Chung Chi Scheme.