香港中文大學崇基學院Chung Chi College, CUHK03:45
【同學萬花筒 Kaleidoscope of Students】改變世界的方法有許多種,有人志願成為科學家,以科技取得人類的進步;有人希望成為老師,作育英才;也有人透過社會服務,扶助弱小。升讀那打素護理學院四年級的周鴻揚(Kayson)非常關注社會內的小眾族群和健康相關的議題,去年暑假,他分享了他參與蝨患問題和罕見病等等服務的經歷。
There are many approaches of changing the world. Some strive to become scientists, some want to be teachers, and some would like to serve the needy in the society. Mr. Chau Hung Yeung (Kayson), majoring in nursing, is much concerned about minor groups and health-related issues. Last summer, he recalled his volunteer works serving people suffering from bed bugs problems and rare disease patients, etc.