Cover Story

A Vibrant Journey for All: Chung Chi Student Development Complex


Campus Newsletter / Cover Story


In October we celebrate. The breeze, the founding of the Chung Chi College, and what's more for this year, the inauguration of the Chung Chi Student Development Complex. Soon after the celebration of the 71st Anniversary of Chung Chi, the new Complex will be opened for Chung Chi-ers to enjoy a more fabulous school life in extensive and fully-equipped learning and activity spaces.



Twin Block Blends with Landscape


Leveraging the sites where two demolished Staff Quarters Blocks located, the Student Development Complex stands on the hillside of the Chung Chi campus. As a result, a twin block design was adopted by architects and the College so that the establishment can fully fit into the steep slope between the two sites. A double-deck footbridge joins the two blocks, thus further connecting the campus of Chung Chi and the University, saving pedestrians’ much time.


Low Block Connects Pommerenke Student Centre


The Chung Chi-end of such shortcut begins with the roof of Pommerenke Student Centre where the Complex’s Low Block, or the Kunkle Student Centre, locates. Named after The Rev. Dr. John Stewart Kunkle, this newly constructed Kunkle Student Centre has music rooms and a band room equipped with music instruments generously donated by Parsons Music to Chung Chi students; as well as society rooms for student bodies to discuss and plan non-formal education activities, and activity rooms for various events and exhibitions. One of the floors will be “Space Ad Excellentiam”, a space for students’ mental health and spirituality enhancement.

The spacious activity room is a perfect place for various kinds of activities and exhibitions.


Cozy Spaces for Relaxation


Apart from those walled features, open areas named Leisure Corners are also available all over the Centre for students to mingle, study, and prepare for collaborative projects and brainstorm new ideas. Meanwhile, at the roof of Kunkle Student Centre, the Starry Lounge and Hop Wai Garden allow staff members and students to observe the scenic view of the campus and Ma Liu Shui so as to relax and soothe themselves from hectic routines.


Leisure Corner


A few floors down the roof of Kunkle Student Centre is the double-deck footbridge joining the two blocks. Similar to the Leisure Corners, the footbridge has been liberated by architects from walled structures so that pedestrians could immerse themselves in free-flowing air, tranquility, and the landscape of Chung Chi, as if they were in a placid forest.


The double-deck footbridge joining the two blocks allows pedestrians to immerse themselves in free-flowing air, tranquility, and the landscape of Chung Chi.


Diverse Facilities in High Block


Getting through the connecting footbridge, we now enter the High Block, or the Leung Fung Yee Building of the Complex. Unlike the Student Centre, the Leung Fung Yee Building serves as a multi-functional facility to create the dynamics of Chung Chi-ers through various components, including a theatre, a fitness centre and a yoga studio, and staff quarters and studio flats.


The Theatre, named Fook Wo and Laura Jee Li Theatre, is the unexampled theatrical facility in the campus, available for Chung Chi students, groups like the Drama Society, and College’s invited performers. This is an innovative black box theatre which can cater for various needs of performers and its audiences. Next to the Theatre, here comes another unprecedented facility exclusively reserved for Chung Chi-ers, the fitness centre and yoga studio. Soon staff members and students of Chung Chi may utilise this new facility to enhance their physical and mental well-being.


The infrastructure of Fook Wo and Laura Jee Li Theatre is being set up. It is a black box theatre that caters for the needs of different performances.


Last but not least, the High Block consists of a number of medium-sized or studio apartments as staff quarters for lease. The net area ranges from 350 to 800 square feet, satisfying different needs of individuals and families. The set-up of these staff quarters shall provide members with convenience to participate in College events or activities at night or during weekends. Few studio flats will also be available to distinguished alumni and visiting scholars upon College’s invitation, prompting academic interactions among cross-generation Chung Chi-ers.


Leung Fung Yee Building


More features are here for you to discover! Follow the Grand Opening cum Naming Ceremonies to be held on the coming Founders’ Day. The long-awaited Student Development Complex along with all these facilities will be opened to all staff members and students by phases. Rejoice at the new Student Development Complex and let’s savour the amazing journey as we advance together with the College in its 71st Anniversary!


Selfless Devotion to Cultivate Whole Persons

Kunkle Student Centre

Named after The Rev. Dr. John Stewart Kunkle & Dr. Julia Mitchell Kunkle


The Rev. Dr. John Stewart Kunkle (1880-1948) and his spouse, Dr. Julia Mitchell Kunkle (1878-1973), both commissioned to South China by United Presbyterian Church (UPC) of the United States (US), once resided at Little Tao Fong Shan in Shatin while serving in China. After retirement the couple returned to the US and fully vested the title of their land to The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Pommerenke. Having consented by Mrs. Kunkle, The Rev. Pommerenke donated, after the decease of The Rev. Dr. Kunkle, the lot at Little Tao Fong Shan to Chung Chi College for land development. Ever since the donation, a reserve fund has been made available for the College to foster education and campus development.


Leung Fung Yee Building

Named after Dr. Leung Fung Yee Anita


The distinguished entrepreneur, novelist, and College alumna, Dr. Leung Fung Yee is a pioneer in Hong Kong's literary scene. A brand-new style of novel, the “finance-themed series”, was created by such a prolific writer, who published more than a hundred novels and essays. Dr. Leung is also well established in the commercial sector, where she has been awarded one of China’s 100 Outstanding Female Entrepreneurs, and one of The 10 Outstanding Entrepreneurs Awards by Capital Entrepreneur. For years, Dr. Leung has given unwavering support and substantial donation to the College for its development.


Fook Wo and Laura Jee Li Theatre

Named after Dr. Li Fook Wo and Mrs. Laura Jee Li


Dr. Li Fook Wo, CBE, FIB, JP (1916-2014) was a renowned banker and an eminent figure in both the commercial and political sectors of Hong Kong. Dr. Li and his spouse, Mrs. Laura Jee Li (1914-2012), were both highly commended in public service as well. Dr. Li joined the College Board in 1961 and served until 1977. He was the Honorary Treasurer from 1964 to 1970, and the Board Chairman between 1970 and 1976, having contributed hugely to the College and community.


Hop Wai Garden

Named after Prof. Lee Hon Ching and his Hop Wai Tang


Prof. Lee Hon Ching, CUHK Honorary Fellow, is a world-renowned, U.S. based artist in printmaking and sculpture. As the founder of Hop Wai Tang and the College’s Art Advisor, Professor Lee has joined hands with the College to promote arts across the campus since 2005. Thanks to Hop Wai Tang and Professor Lee’s philanthropy and keen participation, countless arts and cultural activities, such as exhibitions, lectures and workshops, of which very often Professor Lee returned Hong Kong from the U.S. to hold, were organised here at Chung Chi, which has proven his tremendous contributions to Chung Chi.


Cherishing the Joint Effort of All


Thanks to our founders and friends for their endless endeavour, Chung Chi has evolved and advanced to a modernised College. We sincerely acknowledge all donors of the Student Development Complex project, and shall particularly arrange for each donor whoever has contributed not less than HK$300,000 a plaque to be placed in a designated room or facility in the Complex. Proverbs or mottoes shall be engraved on every plaque as a token of gratitude. For supporters who have donated HK$100,000 or above, their names will be carved on the acknowledgement plaque in the atrium of the Kunkle Student Centre.


Another way of acknowledgement is made, as the College launched the “Kilo-Tile Dream” Fundraising Campaign in 2018, to donors whoever have contributed HK$10,000 or more to the Project. Under the Campaign, donors are entitled to designate a name for every donation of HK$10,000 to be engraved on a tile of the Kunkle Student Centre mosaic wall, on which the artwork of Dr. Kan Kit Keung (1966/ Physics), a Chung Chi alumnus famous for his Chinese calligraphy and painting across the globe, is being exhibited. So altogether over 20,000 tiles, each acknowledging a donor of the Project, shall not only reassemble a three-storey painting portraying Chung Chi Gate, a College landmark, and the breath-taking view of Ma On Shan, but also thankfully the legacy of all’s effort to bring the Student Development Complex to the reality.


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