Cover Story

Advancing Towards Carbon Neutrality


Campus Newsletter / Cover Story


Climate change is a pressing issue of utmost urgency. The rising global temperature poses detrimental threats to ecology and nature, leading to irreversible catastrophes. Therefore, we must make a difference to protect our environment by taking immediate action! In response to the mission of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to achieve carbon neutrality by 2038, with the support of the Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development Office (SRSDO) of CUHK, Chung Chi College launched “Carbon Neutral @ Chung Chi” for the first time, encouraging College teachers and students to take a proactive approach to reduce carbon emissions. The Kickoff Ceremony was held on 12 April 2024 at the College Chapel. Officiating guests included Mr. Wong Kam Sing, GBS, JP, Former Secretary for the Environment, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Professor Kwan Mei Po, Head of College; Mrs. Cecilia Lam, Director of SRSDO; Professor Lai Yuk Fo Derrick, Chair of the Environment and Sustainable Development Committee; Professor Ng Shek Nam Marques, Dean of Students; and Dr. Cheung Mei Chun Jane, College Secretary. Together they kicked off the event by putting the potted plants on the recyclable flower stand, advancing towards the net-zero mission.



Professor Kwan Mei Po mentioned in her speech that the University and the College take a proactive approach to protect the Earth. She also leads the research team to study the Earth environment and sustainability. Launching the CUHK satellite, her research team observes the Earth incessantly to reduce carbon emissions and foster sustainability on the campus. On the other hand, officiating guest Mr. Wong Kam Sing stressed that addressing climate change is a time-bound issue. We must formulate clear objectives and realise them within a designated period. In Hong Kong, there are three main sources of carbon emissions, namely electricity generation, transport, and waste. We must join efforts to reduce waste and carbon emissions. Among all local education institutions, CUHK pioneers in devising the most ambitious mission——achieving carbon neutrality by 2038. He is glad that Chung Chi College takes the lead in fostering the realisation of carbon neutrality. He pinpointed that carbon neutrality is a matter of society, the economy, and the future environment, and hopes that we can incorporate the net-zero mission into all aspects and enjoy a low-carbon life.


Under the guidance of Dr. Han Man (2nd left) from the School of Architecture, Chung Chi students joined efforts in assembling and enabled completion of the “Chung Chi Carbon Neutral Garden”.


A year-long “Carbon Neutral @ Chung Chi” has launched the groundbreaking “Chung Chi Carbon Neutral Garden”, which was designed by Dr. Han Man, Dr. Pedram Ghelichi, and Mr. Chen Jun from the School of Architecture. With a seamless blend of aesthetics, innovation, environmental friendliness, and practicality, this recyclable green installation is composed of recyclable and reusable materials. Apart from displaying useful information about carbon neutrality, the installation is also embellished with a broad array of greeneries on vertical garden walls, which relieve the greenhouse effect by raising the oxygen level and reducing carbon emissions. What’s more, solar panels are embedded to save energy and offset the carbon emissions caused by the construction and maintenance of the garden, echoing the campaign mission. The garden is also built with tables and chairs which can be reassembled into different forms. Sitting there, students, members of various faculties, and the public not only get to know more about the ten daily actions for achieving carbon neutrality, but also connect with nature in a cozy green space.


The “Chung Chi Carbon Neutral Garden” is built with tables and chairs which can be reassembled into different forms. With a seamless blend of aesthetics, innovation, environmental friendliness, and practicality, this recyclable green installation is composed of recyclable and reusable materials.


During the Ceremony, the Green and Sustainable Paper Awards were bestowed upon the students with remarkable suggestions about reducing carbon emissions and enhancing sustainability in their essays on General Education studies, covering circular economy, second-hand markets, conservation schemes, and urban green parks.


The Green and Sustainable Paper Awards were bestowed upon the students with the First, Second, Third, and Merit prizes by Mr. Wong Kam Sing and Professor Kwan Mei Po.



Besides, “Carbon Neutral @ Chung Chi” has also launched a year-long “Chung Chi Carbon Neutral Challenges”, which is open from now on until 30 April 2025, to encourage College students to contribute to reducing carbon emissions. There are three challenges, including 1) Assess Carbon Emissions: assessing carbon emissions in respect of clothing, food, living, and travel in the past year by using the Low Carbon Living Calculators; 2) Walk 70K Steps in 7-day: walking 10,000 steps every day for consecutive 7 days and record the step count with a step-counting mobile app; 3) Pursue Carbon Neutrality: sharing the ideas or acts related to the achievement of carbon neutrality via the online form. Those who have completed the challenges and submitted their records successfully will be awarded food coupons.


To achieve carbon neutrality, we have to take ongoing actions. With the College’s joint efforts, we can all make contributions to reducing carbon emissions, relieving the greenhouse effect, and protecting the environment.


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