Cover Story

Cross-Generation Chung Chi-ers Cherish College Culture


Campus Newsletter / Cover Story


Giving Back to Beloved Alma Mater


Professor Wong Nim Yan, the new Associate Head of Chung Chi College, has been a Chung Chi-er since her undergraduate studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Upon graduation, she continued to pursue her master’s and doctoral degrees at CUHK. Thereafter, she became a teacher at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and affiliated with Chung Chi out of her deep-rooted connection with the College. She dedicated her expertise in literature to Chung Chi’s publications and language activities, serving as the Chairperson of the College’s Publication Committee from August 2016 to July 2023 and hosting the Chung Chi language lecture series for years. With the determination to pass on Chung Chi culture and cultivate Chung Chi-ers, Professor Wong has taken on a new challenge as the College’s Associate Head since this academic year and has been actively contributing to College development.


Inspired by Chung Chi’s lasting legacy, Professor Wong has been truly eager to take up this new position despite holding other significant roles at the University, including Associate Dean (Publicity and Outreach) of the Faculty of Arts, Associate Professor and Vice-Chair of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and Director of the Hong Kong Literature Research Centre. She said, “I am deeply impressed by the perseverance and endeavours of Professor Kwan Mei Po, our new College Head. She is utterly diligent as she gets up at half past three every morning for work, setting high standards in academics, administration, and College services. Her devotion has encouraged me to take up the role of Associate Head, and I am so honoured and delighted to accept her invitation. While serving as the Chairperson of the College’s Publication Committee, I read the Chung Chi Bulletins and Campus Newsletters, as well as edited College’s anniversary brochures, which enabled me to get exposed to many wonderful Chung Chi stories. It inspired me to pass on the College culture and spirit to the next generation.”



Touching and Exciting Moments


It has only been over a few months since Professor Wong took office as the Associate Head. Nonetheless, she has already been dedicated to a myriad of College events. Though some are considered routine or official duties, she always has unexpected gains and lots of touching moments. For example, the “Opening Ceremony of Labyrinth cum Labyrinth Walk” in October let her have a deeper understanding of the College’s goal for spiritual cultivation. Later, she reflected on the College’s roots in Christianity and theological education when participating in the “Divinity School of Chung Chi College 60th Anniversary Opening Ceremony and International Symposium”. A few months ago, she was invited to a dinner organised by the Chung Chi Alumni Association. Generations of alumni attended the banquet, from those who graduated in the 1960s to the 2020s. The gathering made her feel at home. What’s more, the “Thousand People Banquet” in late October was unforgettable too. She reminisced, “Chung Chi-ers are really talented! Our chaplain is a gifted drummer. Also, it was so heartwarming when a Chung Chi student sang I Will Walk with You to Professor Kwan and Grisha, the late Chung Chi cat. The performance was as good as that of the famous band who was invited to present a live show that night!"


A snapshot of Professor Wong as a fresh graduate at CUHK.


Fostering Interactions across Generations of Chung Chi-ers


Apart from assisting the Head in College duties, Professor Wong also hopes to connect Chung Chi-ers of different generations with the vision inspired by Gongye Chang in The Analects, which goes, “Comfort elders, trust friends, and nurture the young”. She explained, “All Chung Chi-ers have wonderful stories and memories of their era. Chung Chi strives to make the older Chung Chi generations feel at home. For fellow peers, we shall do our best, and forge ties based on mutual trust and encouragement. As for the younger generations, Chung Chi shall make them feel valued and cared for. The College would, as always, set stages for students to shine. This is how I interpret this maxim from The Analects.”


“The Opening Ceremony of Labyrinth cum Labyrinth Walk” let Professor Wong have a deeper understanding of the College’s goal for spiritual cultivation.


When asked how to implement the aforesaid idea, Professor Wong shared her experience being a visiting fellow a few years ago at Wolfson College, Cambridge, the United Kingdom. She said, “Their weekly high table dinner and bi-monthly literary reading club are utterly impressive because they accommodate individuals across all generations. There were emeritus professors in their nineties as well as freshers joining the reading club!” This experience inspired Professor Wong to host a reading club in Chung Chi for alumni, colleagues, and students. She now joins hands with her colleagues from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature to brainstorm the book list and event format. It is expected to launch next year.


Professor Wong reflected on the College’s roots in Christianity and theological education when participating in the “Divinity School of Chung Chi College 60th Anniversary Opening Ceremony and International Symposium”.


Reminiscing the Good Old Days


When recalling the college life during her undergraduate studies, Professor Wong admitted that she was “not a very active student” but still had lots of sweet memories while rehearsing for the “Inter-Hostels Singing Contest” and having “night talks” as a student resident at Madam S.H. Ho Hall. Undeniably, hanging out and relaxing with friends was also an indispensible part of her hostel life. She said, “We frequently cycled to Tolo Harbour at midnight and shared our worries. However, we more often just stared at the dark sea daydreaming. These were silly yet enjoyable moments! Recently, when I met my old classmates, we realised that many of our personalities and values were unconsciously nurtured during our good old days in Chung Chi.” She further shared about the General Education course “Idea of a University” instructed by Professor Chen Te from the Department of Philosophy during her undergraduate studies. The “wise and benevolent image” of Professor Chen is always on her mind, “Professor Chen would observe students meticulously and chat with them with their favourite topics. I remembered he shared the knowledge about the philosophy of life and importance of logical thinking through chess because some classmates enjoyed playing chess.”


Professor Wong was invited to a dinner organised by the Chung Chi Alumni Association. Generations of alumni attended the banquet, which made her feel at home.


Preserving College’s Humanistic Charm


Professor Wong is grateful that she could study and work in a college rich in humanistic charm. She recalled the unique features of Chung Chi enthusiastically, “Chung Chi campus is an embodiment of immense humanities, like Lake Ad Excellentiam, Lingnan Stadium, Chung Chi Tang, College Chapel, Philosophy Path at Crooked Bridge, as well as the little bridge and bubbling streams. I also remember the staff of Elisabeth Luce Moore Library used to plant violets and place them long the window seats, rendering the library a fresh and elegant outlook, which was utterly enchanting. I hope every Chung Chi-er shares the same feeling with me.”


In the “Thousand People Banquet” held in late October, besides having fun, Professor Wong also appreciated the talented Chung Chi-ers.


Thanks to the sense of belonging deeply ingrained in every Chung Chi-er’s heart, Professor Wong takes up the role of Associate Head and continuously strives to connect Chung Chi-ers across different generations. When asked about her advice to Chung Chi students, she said, “The College has been constantly progressing with new projects and facilities completed one after another. I hope that while Chung Chi-ers enjoy College’s abundant resources, we should cherish the College’s simplicity culture. At the same time, we could also leave some quality time for ourselves and strive to be accomplished individuals benefiting others.”


During her tenure as the Chairperson of the Chung Chi Publication Committee, Professor Wong read many good stories about Chung Chi, and aspires to pass on the College culture and spirit to the next generation.


Student Reporter Chik Chun Wai

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