Cover Story

Inspiring and Enlightening Cultural Exchanges in Greater Bay Area


Campus Newsletter / Cover Story


In recent years, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area has been thriving vibrantly, offering abundant opportunities and challenges for versatile talents. To foster cultural exchanges among tertiary institutions in the Greater Bay Area and enable teachers and students from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau to have a deeper understanding of social and economic planning and development, as well as enhance the interactions among young people in the Greater Bay Area, Chung Chi College, Muse College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)[CUHK(SZ)], and Choi Kai Yau College of the University of Macau co-organised the first “Lo Foo Cheung Greater Bay Area Study Tour” from 2 to 10 July 2023. The tour was generously sponsored by Mr. Lo Foo Cheung, Chairman of FC Packaging (HK) Limited.


Cultural Exchanges among Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau


The nine-day Study Tour brought together the teachers and students from the three tertiary institutions in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. Taking the Greater Bay Area as the subject site, the participants had a deeper understanding of the economic development, business environment, as well as social and livelihood conditions of the Greater Bay Area through thematic talks and discussions, field trips, and visits to historical and cultural landmarks, and got themselves prepared for seizing potential opportunities for future developments. The major events included visiting the industrial development zone, free trade zone, prestigious enterprises, and startup bases; exploring the latest technology and business environment; participating in thematic talks and conferences, and exchanging views with scholars with research interests in the Greater Bay Area development, and business-industrialists and industry professionals from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau; having a short stay in CUHK(SZ), University of Macau, and Chung Chi College; as well as enjoying sightseeing at the historical and cultural landmarks of these three areas. Participants engaged in group investigations and discussions, and submitted investigation reports after the events.


(From left to right, top to bottom) Mr. Lo Foo Cheung, Professor Fong Wing Ping, Professor Chen Yongqin, and Professor Leung May Yee Janny delivered speeches during the inauguration ceremony.


Three Colleges Hosting Grand Inauguration Ceremony


The inauguration ceremony of the Study Tour was held in Qianhai, Shenzhen on 3 July 2023. There were a total of 45 attendees, including students and teachers from Chung Chi College, Muse College, and Choi Kai Yau College. The inauguration ceremony was hosted by Mr. Yuen Kin Chung, Vice President (Administration) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen); Mr. Lo Foo Cheung, Sponsor of the Study Tour; Professor Fong Wing Ping, then Head of Chung Chi College; Professor Chen Yongqin, Master of Muse College; and Professor Leung May Yee Janny, Master of Choi Kai Yau College. When Professor Chen Yongqin delivered his speech, he cited the abbreviation of sponsor Loo Foo Cheung’s English name, i.e., LFC, to encourage students to “Learn from CCC (Chung Chi College)” and “Learn from CKYC (Choi Kai Yau College)”; “Learn fluent Cantonese”; and “Leap forward continuously”. Professor Leung May Yee Janny recalled her past working experience in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Macau; and encouraged students to leverage the Study Tour to explore more potential opportunities for future developments.


Participants of the Study Tour visited the campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).


Sponsor Serving as Chung Chi’s Role Model


Sponsor Mr. Lo Foo Cheung, Chairman of FC Packaging (HK) Limited, is an industrialist born and raised in Hong Kong. As a Chung Chi alumnus (1970/Geography), he pursued the Master of Business Administration programme at CUHK after completing his undergraduate studies. He engaged in the industrial sector and focused on manufacturing containers and pop cans upon graduation, garnering the prestigious title of the “King of Cans in Asia”. Having remarkable achievements in industry and business, Mr. Lo has also made tremendous contributions to society, attaching great importance to the education sector. Over the years, He has been collaborating with Chung Chi College to foster higher education development in Hong Kong and endeavours to cultivate students’ whole-person development. During the inauguration ceremony, Professor Fong Wing Ping, then Head of Chung Chi College, encouraged students to learn from Mr. Lo, who deserves to be a Chung Chi role model. Mr. Lo hoped students could seize this invaluable opportunity to acquire new knowledge proactively, explore the unknown boldly, get to know the development of the Greater Bay Area wholeheartedly, have a deeper understanding of the social and cultural life of various cities, and make new friends and learn from one another earnestly.


Students got to know the prosperously flourishing startup ecology by visiting the Dongguan Songshan Lake Hi-Tech Industry Development Zone.


Reaping Invaluable Rewards from Fruitful Visits


Engaging in a rich array of fabulous events, participating students of the Study Tour visited fully-equipped industry and service zones, including the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, Dongguan Songshan Lake Hi-Tech Industry Development Zone, and Guangdong-Macau In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, Zhuhai; as well as prestigious enterprises and public organisations, including SF Express, BYD Company Limited, FC Packaging (HK) Limited, City Gallery of the Planning Department, Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Headquarters Building, and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. The participants also enjoyed sightseeing at the historical heritage and relics in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau, such as Chen's Academy in Guangzhou, The Museum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, classic brand and distinctive shops and military treasures in Macau, Tai Kwun, Central and Western Heritage Trail; as well as tertiary institutions including CUHK and CUHK(SZ), University of Macau, and the University of Hong Kong. In addition, the Study Tour also organised the Greater Bay Area Forum and thematic talks hosted by Dr. Wang Jixian James, Research Director of the Bay Area Hong Kong Centre; and Ms. Leung Suk Yu Fish (2006/Social Work), Managing Director of the Hong Kong Family Mediation Association, who shed insights on the Greater Bay Area development.


Participating students had a deeper understanding of the Greater Bay Area throughout the entire tour. Among them, Ms. Luo Man, representative from Muse College, said the tour seamlessly integrated tourism research resources and research topics ranging from natural landscapes, local culture, and historical and cultural relics, among others. During the visits to the cooperation zones, participants observed the operating models of cutting-edge technology of innovative startups. From groundbreaking technology advancements to prosperously flourishing startup ecology, they witnessed the revolutionary power of innovation. Mr. Liang Fang Zheng, representative from Choi Kai Yau College, said the Study Tour enabled them to step out of their comfort zone and gain exposure to more brand new perspectives. They have learned to develop empathy, and embrace and apprehend diverse cultures through exchanging views with people of various cultural backgrounds, which has had a profound impact on their personal growth. Mr. Siriasavakul Hok Sum, representative of Chung Chi College, thought the tour was truly rewarding as he was impressed by Shenzhen’s high-tech industries and has learned more about the preferential policies for Hong Kong people to start a business through visiting the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovative and Entrepreneur Hub.


The closing ceremony cum banquet was held in the Chung Chi College Staff Club Clubhouse on 10 July 2023.


In the wake of a series of fabulous events in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau, the Study Tour was concluded successfully with the closing ceremony cum banquet in the Chung Chi College Staff Club Clubhouse on 10 July 2023. Professor Fong Wing Ping shared his thoughts during the banquet, “The participants from the three Colleges could get close to the city and social development of the Greater Bay Area and have a deeper understanding of the culture and history, as well as the customs and traditions across various regions. Such a meaningful exchange enabled students to learn and grow from multiple perspectives.” On behalf of the three Colleges, he expressed his heartfelt thanks to Mr. Lo Foo Cheung, who has given tremendous support to the Study Tour, and hopes the coming exchange events can be implemented continuously with remarkable success.


Written by Cabbie Kwong

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