Cover Story

Embodiment of Chung Chi Holistic Education


Campus Newsletter / Cover Story


University education is not all about studying, but is also a platform for self-exploration and holistic development. Chung Chi College is dedicated to nurturing all-round students to be masters of pen and sword. “Pen” refers to academic achievement, and “sword” to physical capability. Prof. Yip Hon Kei Benjamin, Chairperson of the Physical Education Committee of Chung Chi College, believes that sport is an essential part of university life. How would Prof. Yip perceive College’s sports development? How does his overseas education background influence his promotion of Chung Chi sports events?



Integrating Best Education Philosophies for Holistic Development


Prof. Yip was brought up and educated in Sweden. After completing a degree of Doctor of Philosophy there, he joined the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) as well as Chung Chi. Prof. Yip finds the cultural difference between Hong Kong and Sweden quite overwhelming. Nevertheless, he doesn’t disregard any of the cultures of these two places, but rather thinks of integrating the best of both to foster Chung Chi students’ holistic development.


Prof. Yip joined Chung Chi because of his religious background and passion for sports. He is proactive in promoting Chung Chi sports events.


Passion Transformed into Actions


Upon joining CUHK, Prof. Yip, as a Christian, chose to affiliate with Chung Chi because of its rich Christian culture. Having said that, as for being a member and later Chairperson of the Physical Education Committee, he attributes that partly to chance and partly to his zeal for sports, ball games in particular. He reminisced, ‘Prof. Steve Yim, who was then the Chairperson for the Physical Education Committee, invited me to join the Chung Chi Staff Football Team in 2019. Later that year, under his encouragement, I joined the Committee as a member. This is how I am associated with Chung Chi sports. Prof. Yip further explained why he took up the position of Chairperson. “When the former Chairperson, Prof. Raymond Tsang, left CUHK in 2022, I was invited by College Head Prof. Fong to take up the role. As the Chairperson, I hope to transform my passion for sports into actions for promoting Chung Chi sports.”


Prof. Yip actively participates in Chung Chi sports events and interacts with students in a way he described as “without a generation gap”.


Sporting with Chung Chi Students Amicably


It was an unfortunate coincidence that almost all Chung Chi sports events were forced to cancel because of the COVID-19 pandemic when Prof. Yip just took office as the Committee Chairperson. It was not until this year that the College sports events resumed. Apart from providing support to student sports activities, Prof. Yip has also participated in some sports events in an attempt to feel the sports atmosphere at Chung Chi. Truly appreciating Chung Chi students’ perseverance, he shared an ever touching moment of this year’s swimming gala, “I remember a girl who was swimming particularly slowly. When her fellow competitors had all completed the race, she hadn’t even finished half of it. Despite falling far behind other participants, she never thought of giving up. The spectators, including me, were all worried about whether she could continue the race. She could have given up and saved a lot of energy. But she didn’t. She kept moving on and eventually reached the finish point, winning her with a standing ovation.” This year, Prof. Yip joined javelin and shot put at Chung Chi Athletic Meet, where he interacted with students amicably without a generation gap. “As an ‘uncle’ and a teacher participating in sports events,” he said jokingly, “I actually expected some embarrassment and awkward silence when interacting with the youngsters. But they were all so friendly that we had great chats and laughter. There was no embarrassment at all! That’s why we all utterly enjoyed the events.”


“Learning Arts and Sports” for Holistic Development


Over the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic put almost all sports events to a halt. Now everything returns to normal. How will the Sports Committee promote the long-standing Chung Chi sport culture? Prof. Yip said that the Committee will focus on popularising Chung Chi sports by promoting the “Learning Arts and Sports” campaign this year. He shared the importance of sports and music in Swedish culture, noting that most Swedish citizens have participated in at least one sport and one music activity since childhood. Sport contributes to one’s wellness and cultivates perseverance while music builds one’s temperament. We will take these principles as a reference when promoting holistic development for Chung Chi students.” Prof. Yip also illustrated how Chung Chi supports students’ holistic development, “The College has full-fledged support for this aspect by rolling out the ‘Learning Arts and Sports’ campaign several years ago. As for ‘Sports’, student can apply for financing their participation in sports programmes.” Under this scheme, students can choose from a list of the College’s authorised organisers. Chung Chi would subsidise a maximum of 70% of the tuition fee or HK$2,000, whichever is lower. Prof. Yip strongly encourages students to utilise this scheme as students can be sponsored whatever sports activity they choose, even some unusual ones like tap dancing! Another mission of the Committee is to resume the Vice-Chancellor’s Cup. He said, “We have already proposed it to the University and hope it can be resumed after having been discontinued for nearly a decade.” Shortly after the interview, Prof. Yip was pleased to confirm that the Vice-Chancellor's Cup will be resumed.

As a member of the Staff Football Club of CUHK, Prof. Yip always plays football with his colleagues at the Lingnan Stadium.


Unleashing Full Potential with Chung Chi Resources


Looking into the future, Prof. Yip revealed the Committee’s ambition about constructing new indoor sports facilities in the College. He said, “The Committee always endeavours to enhance indoor sports facilities. In the long run, we see the need to construct a new indoor basketball stadium and an indoor swimming pool. These are just initial thoughts though, and would certainly require thorough discussions, assessment, and planning.”

Prof. Yip became a Chung Chi-er and the Chairperson of the Physical Education Committee by chance and passion. Having served Chung Chi for over a decade, Prof. Yip sees ongoing changes in the College and its people. What is always preserved, however, is the College’s determination in nurturing its pupils at all costs. Prof. Yip encourages all Chung Chi students to seize the opportunities provided by the College to enrich themselves. “The four-year university life comes and goes,” he said, “the College generously offers resources for student development. Make good use of them and step out of your comfort zone, you can then unleash your potential and strive for excellence!”


Student Reporter Chik Chun Wai


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