Chung Chi Facets

The Ring of One


Campus Newsletter / Chung Chi Facets


A path is there to join the College Chapel with another― the new Chapel of Divinity School. This Chinese-styled, red-tiled Chapel was on the roof of President Yung Chi Tung Memorial Building. Entering this “new” Chapel, which was in fact built over ten years ago, overhead you will see the Ring of One, behind which there are 12 pillars substantially joining to support the ceiling of the Chapel, as if the Twelve Apostles joined the Christ as one. The pillars are distinctive from each other, yet united as one, and so are our beliefs, which appear traditionally diverse yet ecumenical. Here at the Divinity School, we unite as a whole but cherish our individuality. I have you and you have me. It is our belief that everyone is an integral part of the truth, and no one can be the only one. Yet everyone’s unique insight is worth appreciating. The Ring of One does remind us, remind everyone of us, to be one, and to tranquil the diversity of each other. Why not take a break from our hectic school life? A mindful journey to the new Chapel, perhaps also to yourself, awaits you.


The Rev. Yiu Chi Ho

School Chaplain

Divinity School of Chung Chi College

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