
CC Hostel Application in 2024/25 (Year 3 or above non-local student is not eligible)


Chung Chi Updates / Applications

Application for CC student hostel residence 2024/25 (including I-Houses) is open for Chung Chi students from March 28 to April 10, 2024 (Wednesday).  The online application form is available at the Committee webpage on March 28.  Completed forms should be submitted on or before 23:59pm of April 10, 2024.  Late applications will be considered with a deduction of 3 points for each day after the deadline and shall be taken care of only when there are vacancies.  For application submitted after 23 April 2024, the point at Category C on extracurricular/ other activities indicated, including point of "priority", will not be counted.  For example, members of Residents' Associations of CC student hostels or recipients of CC/CU Scholarship with Guaranteed Hostel Place are also required to make application accordingly.

For enquiries, please contact us at

Application and details: