



香港中文大學崇基學院Chung Chi College, CUHK03:57


【同學萬花筒 Kaleidoscope of Students】花,可以觀賞、甚至可以食用,但你又有沒有想過,花更可以是冥想、靈修的媒介呢?剛畢業於宗教研究,平日喜歡插花、彈豎琴和看書的伍靜怡(Janice),正是以日本花道進行靜觀。她將自己的插花作品、感受和得著分享至社交平台,以期透過藝術和文字與人們連結,使心靈疲乏的人得到安慰。這個項目「花兒說」獲得本學度崇基「好小籽實踐獎」三等獎。


Have you ever thought that flowers can be a medium for meditation? Ms. Ng Ching Yi, Janice, a fresh graduate of Religious Studies who is interested in arranging flowers, playing harp, and reading, has been using ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement, for meditation. She then posted her thoughts and feelings from this meditative art on social media with the aim of soothing people with troubled mind. Her project “Words from Flowers” was awarded the third prize of “Seeds of Good Deeds” Project Award.