
Learning a new language is fun, different and useful! Join us on 12 November!


崇基快訊 / 其他


Did you know you could learn a foreign language at CUHK, regardless of your major?

Did you know you could even complete a minor programme in a foreign language on top of your major ?

The Linguistics & Modern Languages Department offers programmes in 11 different languages and minor programmes in 4 languages other than Chinese.

To know more about it, make sure to join our online briefing session on Zoom, on Tuesday 12 November, 6:30 p.m.

Zoom meeting information :

Meeting ID : 335 528 0954 

Join URL: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/3355280954 

No registration required.

Contact : Mr. Raphaël Chiarelli, raphael.chiarelli@cuhk.edu.hk